Top "Lowercase" questions

Lowercase characters are letters in minuscule: a, b, c, …

How to replace uppercase letters to lowercase letters using regex in Eclipse?

I'd like to go through all of my source code files and replace every occurence of k_Xyyy with k_…

regex eclipse uppercase lowercase
Why can't "transform(s.begin(),s.end(),s.begin(),tolower)" be complied successfully?

Given the code: #include <iostream> #include <cctype> #include <string> #include <algorithm> using …

c++ compiler-errors lowercase toupper tolower
Boolean to string with lowercase

Can the str.format() method print boolean arguments without capitalized strings? I cannot use str(myVar).lower() as argument of …

python string format boolean lowercase
How to extract all UPPER from a string? Python

#input my_string = 'abcdefgABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP' how would one extract all the UPPER from a string? #output my_upper = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP'

python string extract uppercase lowercase
How i can translate uppercase to lowercase letters in a rewrite rule in nginx web server?

I need to translate the address: in --->

nginx rewrite uppercase lowercase
Swapping uppercase and lowercase in a string

I would like to change the chars of a string from lowercase to uppercase. My code is below, the output …

python string python-2.x uppercase lowercase
Android EditText/TextView how to make each word start with uppercase and all remaining characters of words to be lowercase

I have already used following options to make each starting letter of a word Uppercase <EditText android:inputType="text|…

android android-edittext uppercase lowercase
Android ActionBar MenuItem LowerCase

I want to make MenuItem title in the ActionBar to LowerCase. my menu.xml <item android:id="@+id/register" …

android android-actionbar menuitem lowercase
Turkish case conversion in JavaScript

I want to convert strings to lower or upper case in JavaScript in the locale I wanted. I think standard …

javascript internationalization uppercase lowercase
How to determine if a character is uppercase or lowercase in postgresql?

I have failed to find any function like isupper or islower in postgresql. What I actually need is to select …

postgresql uppercase lowercase