Top "Locked-files" questions

Error: Cannot access file bin/Debug/... because it is being used by another process

When I debug my project, I get following error: "Unable to copy file "obj\Debug\My Dream.exe" to "bin\…

visual-studio debugging projects-and-solutions locked-files
Is there a way to handle locked file from command line and release it?

Is there a way to detect locked files in specify folder and release them by command line? Something like this …

windows command-line locked-files
SMTP Send is locking up my files - c#

I have a function thats sending messages ( a lot of them) and their attachments. It basically loops through a directory …

c# smtp locked-files
File is locked by Visual Studio 2019

I have a weird problem in Visual Studio: if an unhandled exception is thrown during the debugging process I'm not …

c# visual-studio visual-studio-2019 locked-files
File locked after sending it as attachment

I am sending a file as an attachment: // Create the file attachment for this e-mail message. Attachment data = new Attachment(…

c# attachment locked-files
How to open Locked for Editing file as Read Only?

I have a macro that opens multiple files. If it comes to a file "Locked for Editing" it will give …

excel vba readonly locked-files