I am trying to run an web app. In the beginning it was going well, but I had to delete some jars from the project folder. I didn't delete the jars using eclipse. So, I started to get these errors:
Publishing failed with multiple errors
Could not delete C:/Users/maniceto/Documents/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/fj21-tarefas/WEB-INF/lib. May be locked by another process.
Could not delete C:/Users/maniceto/Documents/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/fj21-tarefas/WEB-INF. May be locked by another process.
I tried to delete my whole project and code it again. But it doesn't work. I also deleted the Tomcat server but again it doesn't work. Then I realized that to "fix" this problem I have to delete this folder:
And clean the server and the project. But when I close eclipse and open again I get the same error, then I have to do this process.
Anyone here knows how to fix this kind of tomcat bug?
Simply delete the server and then add it again,then restart your eclipse.It worked for me.