LocalStorage is a way to store persistent data using JavaScript (see also: SessionStorage).
localStorage.setItem is not working on mobile iOS 8.3. Does anybody experience this problem? Here is the code: var storage = window.…
javascript local-storage ios8.3I am trying to find an API within WinRT that will allow me to create a local database that can …
database windows-runtime windows-store-apps microsoft-metro local-storageWe have some routing logic that kicks you to the homepage if you dont have a JWT_TOKEN set... I …
javascript local-storage puppeteerI need to increase the default quota limit of the LocalStorage in a Android WebView. Currently I can only use …
android webview local-storage quotaI would like a method of storing information on the client that can be accessed by both the SSL and …
javascript ssl local-storage web-storageThis error shows every time in chrome when i open the console. Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'setItem' on 'Storage': …
javascript wordpress google-chrome local-storage domexceptionI've learned difference between sessionStorage (persist during session) and localStorage (persist forever if not deleted). I can see that localStorage …
html local-storage web-storageI have indexedDb on my app for web storage. I would like to get the store form the below code. …
html local-storage indexeddb web-storageI am currently developing a PhoneGap application and am using sessionStorage rather than localStorage because we are facing some problems …
mobile cordova local-storage sessionstorageI'm looking for a way to get all the information out of localStorage. The trouble I'm having is I don't …
javascript google-chrome-extension local-storage key-value