LocalStorage is a way to store persistent data using JavaScript (see also: SessionStorage).
I'm writing a thesis about offline abilities of web applications. My task is to show the possibilities of offline storage …
javascript html local-storage web-sql indexeddbI want to make my web app (which is built with laravel) work offline...but I cant found out how …
php laravel local-storage offline offline-cachingWhile testing the security of one of our product, a web application, using the REST API of Firebase we got …
firebase local-storage token refresh-tokenI have a web application that store information about recently visited pages, let's call them A. When a user visits …
javascript jquery django local-storage browser-tabFrom this slideshow http://slides.html5rocks.com/#slide8 and from Chrome: View > Developer > Developer Tools > Storage …
cookies html local-storage session-storageI have an existing web app that runs offline (using HTML5 cache manifest). I am storing data in localStorage. I …
couchdb local-storage offlineapps pouchdbI've made a Chrome extension with an options page. The data is saved in localstorage and works just fine. Chrome …
javascript google-chrome-extension sync local-storageAny idea how to check the remaining storage space in an HTML5 localstorage data store?
javascript html local-storage spaceWhat is the difference between ngStorage and $window.localStorage? When is it better to use one instead that the other? …
javascript angularjs local-storage angular-directive ng-storageI have a little snippet working with LocalStorage but I cannot make it work on Chrome Storage scheme yet. When …
javascript google-chrome-extension local-storage chrome-web-store google-chrome-storage