Top "Listactivity" questions

A ListActivity is an Activity (main UI component of the Android System) that displays a list of items by binding to a data source such as an array or Cursor, and exposes event handlers when the user selects an item.

How do you activate checkmarks in list activity?

I have a ListActivity with an array adapter declared like arrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String> (this, android.R.layout.…

android listactivity android-arrayadapter checkmark
Android ListActivity - fixed header and footer

Is it possible to set header and footer at ListActivity to be fixed at the top and the bottom, so …

android header footer listactivity fixed
Is there a way to update multiple TextView with ArrayAdapter?

I have a list view that has multiple textview's like this: <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="…

android listview android-arrayadapter listactivity
Identify the item clicked on ListActivity method onListItemClick

I'm developing an Android application. I have several objects loaded on a ListActivity. I want to know the item clicked …

android listactivity listitem
Why divider is not showing in the listview @android:id/list ?

I have a linear layout that contain the following listview : <ListView android:id="@android:id/list" android:layout_width="…

android listview listactivity
getLoaderManager in ListActivity

I wish to implement a Loader for in a ListActivity but the activity do not recognize getLoaderManager. @Override public void …

android listactivity android-loadermanager
AlertDialog cannot be shown from ListActivity within ActivityGroup

I am trying to show an AlertDialog when an item in a ListActivity is clicked. My app displays the ListActivity …

android listactivity android-alertdialog activitygroup
ListActivity TwoLineListItem Alternative

I notice that TwoLineListItem is deprecated as of API 17. What is the alternative to this if I am setting up …

java android listactivity
onCreateContextMenu isn't being called

It looks like the onCreateContextMenu insn't being called at all. In my onCreate for my ListActivity I have: list = getListView(); …

android listactivity contextmenu