Top "Checkmark" questions

UITableViewCell checkmark to be toggled on and off when tapped

I'm working on a tableview I want to be able to tap on each cell and when tapped, it displays …

ios uitableview swift checkmark
UITableViewCell checkmark change on select

Am I correct in thinking that to change the checkmark for "on" to "off", I must change the CellAccessoryType between …

objective-c iphone tablecell checkmark
How to access checkmark drawable in Android OS?

I want to use Android OS drawables instead of providing my own. How to access check mark icon? I'm looking …

android checkmark
Android circle checkmark animation

I'm trying to achieve something similar to the BEMAnimationTypeStroke which can be found in the iOS library BEMCheckBox. I've tried …

android animation android-vectordrawable checkmark
How to uncheck all rows using UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark

I've got a UITableView with each row containing a checkbox using UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark. I can't figure out how to uncheck all …

iphone xcode checkmark
UITableView-Swift: Checkmark in UITableViewCell

I'm using Xcode 6.0.1, iOS8 and Swift. I have to reproduce in my UITableView the same behavior of the Auto-Lock option …

ios uitableview swift ios8 checkmark
How to change UITableViewCellAccessoryType.Checkmark's color?

Here's my code: cell.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryType.Checkmark But when I run the app, I can't see the checkmark. Then I …

swift uitableview checkmark
Table View Did Select Row

So i have a tableView with checkmark accessory type and I have such method: - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(…

ios uitableview checkmark
android Check mark on button click

On click of a button , a check mark icon should be displayed on the leftmost corner of the button, when …

android button checkmark
Swift 3 tableView not updating on reloadData()

I am building a master detail app. I have a sections view controller (VC) which is a child of master …

ios swift xcode uitableview checkmark