Device drivers take on a special role in the Linux kernel.
What is the difference between .dts file and .dtsi file? Is there a difference when generating device tree blobs? When …
linux linux-kernel linux-device-driver device-tree linux-developmentI've noticed that recent kernels (starting from 2.16.24?) don't like if CFLAGS is changed in external module Kbuild file. If CFLAGS …
linux makefile linux-kernel linux-device-driverI'm reading about misc drivers in Linux, and I'm a little confused about the differences between them and char drivers. …
c linux linux-device-driverI'm learning the linux kernel internals and while reading "Understanding Linux Kernel", quite a few memory related questions struck me. …
linux-kernel kernel arm linux-device-driver embedded-linuxI am trying to understand this driver code of mcspi for omap2 panda board. I don't understand who calls the …
c linux-kernel linux-device-driver spiwhat is the reason for this mmc reading problem in linux ..? please help to solve this...? please check my kernel …
linux linux-device-driver embedded-linux archlinuxI am reading a hall sensor output in beaglebone gpio pin, for every rising edge the interrupt service routine needs …
linux embedded linux-device-driver embedded-linux beagleboardI am going through ldd3 for last few months. I read first few chapters many times. These two links are …
linux-device-driver embedded-linux interrupt-handlingIn my project I am using char driver to communicate between user space and kernel space. I use the function …
linux linux-kernel linux-device-driver embedded-linux ubuntu-16.04Is it possible to expand the ioctl interface in Linux so that the user-space application can send a pointer to …
linux-kernel kernel linux-device-driver ioctl