ioctl (Input Output ConTroL) is a system call for device-specific I/O operations and other operations which cannot be expressed by regular system calls and it provides an interface through which an application can communicate directly with a device driver(or any other global kernel space variables).
I have a Perl script running in an AIX box. The script tries to open a file from a certain …
perl ioctlCan anyone explain me, What is IOCTL? What is it used for? How can I use it? Why can't I …
linux linux-kernel driver linux-device-driver ioctlI'm trying to get to know how many bytes there are readable at my TCP socket. I am calling ioctl …
sockets ioctlLet's say I'm running a program called IpAddresses.c. I want that program to get all IP addresses this device …
c interface ip-address ioctlI am trying to get and set the IP address using the IOCTL interface on Linux. I am successfully able …
c ip ip-address ioctlI'm trying to execute an ioctl call on a system with only bash and primitive base utilities. Is there any …
bash shell ioctlIn my driver's file_operations structure, I have: struct file_operations Fops = { read: device_read, write: device_write, unlocked_ioctl: …
c linux synchronization kernel ioctl