Top "Limit" questions

Relates to any sort of limit applied to data or resources, e.g. limiting the size or value of a variable, limiting the rate of incoming traffic or CPU usage.

More than 120 counters in hadoop

There's a limit for Hadoop counter size. It's 120 by default. I try to use the configuration "mapreduce.job.counters.limit" …

hadoop limit counter
How can I increase the 6 minute execution limit in Google Apps script?

Is there any way to increase the 6 minute execution time limit for Google Apps Scripts? I thought that the answer …

google-apps-script limit execution-time
gevent: downside to spawning large number of greenlets?

Following on from my question in the comment to this answer to the question "Gevent pool with nested web requests": …

python limit gevent spawning
Is There A Way To Set A Time Limit On a PDF?

I was wondering if there was a way to set a time limit on a pdf file where maybe it …

pdf time limit protection drm
How can I implement a download rate limited in Java?

I'm going to implement a (simple) downloader application in Java as a personal exercise. It is going to run several …

java networking download limit rate
How to use regex lookahead to limit the total length of input string

I have this regular expression and want to add the rule which limit the total length is no more than 15 …

regex expression limit lookahead
What are the limits of BigDecimal and BigInteger?

I was multiplying very two huge BigIntegervalues in a program. It failed. What are the limits of BigInteger and BigDecimal ?

java limit biginteger bigdecimal numberformatexception
How do I limit text lengths for different UITextFields in Swift?

I have an iOS Xcode 7.3 Swift2 project I'm working on. It has different UITextFields that are limited to 3 digits, specifically …

ios swift2 uitextfield limit uitextfielddelegate
plupload - limit number of selected files

This is the part of code: inprogress = false; function getid(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } var uploader = new plupload.Uploader({ …

javascript upload limit plupload
linux command xargs: maximum size of the arguments passed by it?

It seems that xargs doesn't pass all the arguments at once, in says in the manual that xargs executes the …

linux command size limit xargs