Top "Libsvm" questions

LIBSVM is a library for Support Vector Machines

How to tell if OpenMP is working?

I am trying to run LIBSVM in parallel mode, however my question is in OpenMP in general. According to LIBSVM …

c++ openmp libsvm
How to run of libsvm in window?

I am new to the libsvm and sorry for some silly questions. I am trying to run but …

windows svm libsvm
A few implementation details for a Support-Vector Machine (SVM)

In a particular application I was in need of machine learning (I know the things I studied in my undergraduate …

machine-learning libsvm svm
How to perform 10 fold cross validation with LibSVM in R?

I know that in MatLab this is really easy ('-v 10'). But I need to do it in R. I …

r machine-learning svm libsvm cross-validation
Support vector machine in Python using libsvm example of features

I have scraped a lot of ebay titles like this one: Apple iPhone 5 White 16GB Dual-Core and I have manually …

python machine-learning svm libsvm
What are the MATLAB 'perfcurve' Roc Curve Parameters?

I have been using the LibSVM classifier to classify between 3 different classes - labeled 2, 1, -1 I'm trying to use MATLAB …

matlab parameters libsvm roc
Can an SVM learn incrementally?

I am using a multi-dimensional SVM classifier (SVM.NET, a wrapper for libSVM) to classify a set of features. Given …

c# machine-learning svm libsvm