Top "Libsvm" questions

LIBSVM is a library for Support Vector Machines

SVM Visualization in MATLAB

How do I visualize the SVM classification once I perform SVM training in Matlab? So far, I have only trained …

matlab classification svm libsvm pca
Scaling data in scikit-learn SVM

While libsvm provides tools for scaling data, with Scikit-Learn (which should be based upon libSVM for the SVC classifier) I …

python svm libsvm scikit-learn
Under what parameters are SVC and LinearSVC in scikit-learn equivalent?

I read this thread about the difference between SVC() and LinearSVC() in scikit-learn. Now I have a data set of …

machine-learning scikit-learn svm libsvm
R: How do we print percentage accuracy for SVM

Here is my sample R code: train <- read.csv("Train.csv") test <- read.csv("Test+.csv") …

r machine-learning svm libsvm confusion-matrix
scikit learn svc coef0 parameter range

Documentation here. I'm wondering how important the coef0 parameter is for SVCs under the polynomial and sigmoid kernels. As I …

svm scikit-learn libsvm svc
scaling the testing data for LIBSVM: MATLAB implementation

I currently use the MATLAB version of the LIBSVM support vector machine to classify my data. The LIBSVM documentation mentions …

matlab testing input scaling libsvm
Precomputed Kernels with LibSVM in Python

I've been searching the net for ~3 hours but I couldn't find a solution yet. I want to give a precomputed …

python machine-learning libsvm
How to calculate precision, recall and F-score with libSVM in python

I want to calculate the precision, recall and f-score using libsvm in Python but I do not know how. I …

python machine-learning libsvm precision-recall
Weka error "cannot handle numeric class" in Java code using LibSVM

I'm trying to use a classifier LibSVM-based using Weka, but i got this error: Exception in thread "main" weka.core.…

java classification weka libsvm
Predict probabilities using SVM

I wrote this code and wanted to obtain probabilities of classification. from sklearn import svm X = [[0, 0], [10, 10],[20,30],[30,30],[40, 30], [80,60], [80,50]] y = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] clf = svm.SVC() …

python classification svm libsvm