Top "Lexikjwtauthbundle" questions

401 JWT Token not found

I provided two versions of the security.yaml file. The second version according to API Platform documentation. API Platform sends …

symfony jwt lexikjwtauthbundle
Symfony 2 FOSUserBundle with rest login and registration

I have gone through lots of stackoveflow question and articles, but can't find a suitable answer. I'm using fosuserbundle, hwiouthbundle …

symfony fosuserbundle lexikjwtauthbundle
How to parse the jwt token from controller $jwtManager->decode($jwt) using pure token ( token as a string )

So I'm using Lexik JWT Authentication Bundle (Symfony 2.6) and successful created user and token using this code: $userRegistration = new UserRegistration(); $…

php symfony jwt decode lexikjwtauthbundle
Lexik JWT Token not found

I've seen similar questions but still can't get this to work. I'm new with Symfony and I'm using Lexik JWT …

php jwt symfony lexikjwtauthbundle
Symfony4: Unable to find the controller for path "/api/login_check". The route is wrongly configured

I am tyring to set up symfony4 api JSON login by JWT. The api platform core bundle is installed and …

jwt symfony4 lexikjwtauthbundle