Top "Lexical-analysis" questions

Process of converting a sequence of characters into a sequence of tokens.

Does an algorithm exist to help detect the "primary topic" of an English sentence?

I'm trying to find out if there is a known algorithm that can detect the "key concept" of a sentence. …

algorithm nlp semantics lexical-analysis
Can we write comments within variable names?

int main() { i/*nt*/a = 10; return 0; } If I have the above code and I want to count the tokens, will …

c lexical-analysis
Simple lexical analysis java program

My little project is a lexical analysis program in which i have to take every word found in an arbitrary .…

java lexical-analysis lookup-tables
is there a simple compiler for a small language

I am looking for a simple compiler that compiles a simple language, I need it to write a paper about …

parsing code-generation lexical-analysis compiler-construction
Start states in Lex / Flex

I'm using Flex and Bison for a parser generator, but having problems with the start states in my scanner. I'm …

parsing bison lex lexical-analysis flex-lexer
Regular expressions - Matching whitespace

I am having a big problem to write a regexp that will trim all the whitespace in my input. I …

regex compiler-construction flex-lexer lex lexical-analysis
How to parse a tab-separated line of text in Ruby?

I find Ruby's each function a bit confusing. If I have a line of text, an each loop will give …

ruby parsing delimiter lexical-analysis tab-delimited
Python - lexical analysis and tokenization

I'm looking to speed along my discovery process here quite a bit, as this is my first venture into the …

python transform lexical-analysis
Parsing Meaning from Text

I realize this is a broad topic, but I'm looking for a good primer on parsing meaning from text, ideally …

python parsing nlp lexical-analysis
What can create a lexical error in C?

Besides not closing a comment /*..., what constitutes a lexical error in C?

c compiler-errors lexical-analysis