Top "Lettuce" questions

* A behavior-driven development (BDD) tool for Python: http://lettuce.

Jedis and Lettuce async abilities

I am using redis with Akka so I need no blocking calls. Lettuce has async-future call built into it. But …

java asynchronous redis jedis lettuce
Redis library for Android?

I've seen a ton of libraries for Java, but nothing for Android unfortunately. Has anyone had any luck with either …

android redis lettuce
How can I interact with this modal dialog using Webdriver & Python?

All I want is to close a modal dialog, ideally by doing the following: browser.find_element_by_link_text("…

python google-chrome webdriver modal-dialog lettuce
Cannot retrieve initial cluster partitions from initial URIs [RedisURI [host='', port=7001]]

I am working on Lettuce cluster Java client. It is set up inside a bolt topology (Apache Strom). spout is …

java redis lettuce