Top "Left-join" questions

A left join is an outer join which generates a result that contains all the records of the "left" table even when there are no matching records in other tables taking part in the join.

MySQL: Removing duplicate columns on Left Join, 3 tables

I have a table that uses 3 foreign keys into other tables. When I perform a left join, I get duplicate …

sql mysql database left-join mysql-connector
Condition left join in CriteriaQuery

Hi everybody I am trying to do this in CriteriaQuery, I was searching so long but I can't found anything …

jpa orm left-join clause criteriaquery
Deleting rows from SQLite table when no match exists in another table

I need to delete rows from an SQLite table where their row IDs do not exist in another table. The …

sqlite left-join sql-delete
Two SQL LEFT JOINS produce incorrect result

I have 3 tables: users(id, account_balance) grocery(user_id, date, amount_paid) fishmarket(user_id, date, amount_paid) Both …

sql postgresql left-join aggregate-functions
SQL - inner join 2 tables but return all if 1 table empty

I have 2 tables say A and B, and I want to do a join on them. Table A will always …

sql join left-join inner-join
how many types of joins are there in mysql or sql

I've heard there are 3 types of joins I'm not sure of the exact names. Googling has turned up a variety …

mysql sql join left-join right-join
How do I use CriteriaBuilder to write a left outer join when relationship goes the other way?

I’m using JPA 2.0, Hibernate 4.1.0.Final and MySQL 5.5.37. I have the following two entities … @Entity @Table(name = "msg") public class …

jpa left-join jpa-2.0 criteria builder
Is it possible to use subquery in join condition in Access?

In postgresql I can use subquery in join condition SELECT * FROM table1 LEFT JOIN table2 ON table1.id1 = (SELECT id2 …

sql ms-access join ms-access-2007 left-join
Left Outer Join doesn't return all rows from my left table?

I am trying to get the number of page opens on a per day basis using the following query. SELECT …

mysql sql date left-join
Left join in influx DB

I am new to influx DB. Now I need to migrate MySQL db into influxDB. I chose influx DB because …

database join relational-database left-join influxdb