Two SQL LEFT JOINS produce incorrect result

Ryan Bostwick picture Ryan Bostwick · Sep 17, 2012 · Viewed 20.3k times · Source

I have 3 tables:

users(id, account_balance)
grocery(user_id, date, amount_paid)
fishmarket(user_id, date, amount_paid)

Both fishmarket and grocery tables may have multiple occurrences for the same user_id with different dates and amounts paid or have nothing at all for any given user. When I try the following query:

     t1."id" AS "User ID",
     t1.account_balance AS "Account Balance",
     count(t2.user_id) AS "# of grocery visits",
     count(t3.user_id) AS "# of fishmarket visits"
FROM users t1
LEFT OUTER JOIN grocery t2 ON (t2.user_id=t1."id") 
LEFT OUTER JOIN fishmarket t3 ON (t3.user_id=t1."id") 
GROUP BY t1.account_balance,

It produces an incorrect results: "1", "12", "12".
But when I try to LEFT JOIN to just one table it produces a correct results for either grocery or fishmarket visits, which are "1", "3", "4".

What am I doing wrong here?
I am using PostgreSQL 9.1.


Erwin Brandstetter picture Erwin Brandstetter · Sep 17, 2012

Joins are processed left to right (unless parentheses dictate otherwise). If you LEFT JOIN (or just JOIN, similar effect) three groceries to one user you get 3 rows (1 x 3). If you then join 4 fishmarkets for the same user, you get 12 (3 x 4) rows, multiplying the previous count in the result, not adding to it, like you may have hoped for.
Thereby multiplying the visits for groceries and fishmarkets alike.

You can make it work like this:

     , u.account_balance
     , g.grocery_visits
     , f.fishmarket_visits
FROM   users u
   SELECT user_id, count(*) AS grocery_visits
   FROM   grocery
   GROUP  BY user_id
   ) g ON g.user_id =
   SELECT user_id, count(*) AS fishmarket_visits
   FROM   fishmarket
   GROUP  BY user_id
   ) f ON f.user_id =

To get aggregated values for one or few users, correlated subqueries like @Vince provided are just fine. For a whole table or major parts of it, it is (much) more efficient to aggregate the n-tables and join to the result once. This way, we also do not need another GROUP BY in the outer query.

grocery_visits and fishmarket_visits are NULL for users without any related entries in the respective tables. If you need 0 instead (or any arbitrary number), use COALESCE:

     , u.account_balance
     , COALESCE(g.grocery_visits   , 0) AS grocery_visits
     , COALESCE(f.fishmarket_visits, 0) AS fishmarket_visits
FROM   ...