Top "Left-join" questions

A left join is an outer join which generates a result that contains all the records of the "left" table even when there are no matching records in other tables taking part in the join.

NHibernate - Left joins

I have the following two tables: Jobs AreaID, JobNo (composite key) Logs LogID, AreaID, JobNo I need to get all …

nhibernate join left-join outer-join
LEFT OUTER JOIN query not returning expected rows

My aim is to do exactly what a LEFT OUTER JOIN intends to do using the 4th venn diagram: SQL …

mysql left-join sqlfiddle
Postgres - how to return rows with 0 count for missing data?

I have unevenly distributed data(wrt date) for a few years (2003-2008). I want to query data for a given …

python database postgresql left-join generate-series
Postgres Left Join with where condition

I need to left join two tables with a where condition: time_table id rid start_date end_date 1 2 2017-07…

mysql sql postgresql left-join date-range
left join two tables on a non-unique column in right table

I have two tables in sql server and i wanna select and join some data from these table.the first …

sql sql-server join left-join sql-query-store
Linq to entities Left Join

I want to achieve the following in Linq to Entities: Get all Enquires that have no Application or the Application …

linq linq-to-entities left-join outer-join
Can one perform a left join in pandas that selects only the first match on the right?

Can one perform a left join in pandas that selects only the first match on the right? Example: left = pd.…

python pandas left-join
Spark final task takes 100x times longer than first 199, how to improve

I am seeing some performance issues while running queries using dataframes. I have seen in my research, that long running …

scala apache-spark hive left-join
A left outer reverse select_related in Django?

Imagine the following model: class Parent(Model): ... class Child(Model) father = ForeignKey(Parent) ... Some parents have children, others do not (…

django left-join django-queryset django-select-related
R Left Outer Join with 0 Fill Instead of NA While Preserving Valid NA's in Left Table

What is the easiest way to do a left outer join on two data tables (dt1, dt2) with the fill …

r merge left-join data.table dplyr