Top "Leaflet" questions

Leaflet is an open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly, cross-browser, interactive maps.

How to add markers bulk in leaflet?

I have an array with ~30k elements and I need to create map with markers for each of them. I …

javascript openstreetmap leaflet
Leaflet.draw retrieve layer type on draw:edited event

I'm using the plugin and I'm trying to retrieve the layer type of an …

How to calculate the distance of a polyline in Leaflet like

I am working on a map with Mapbox and Leaflet and I am supposed to let the user draw polygons …

javascript leaflet mapbox polyline
street address to geolocation lat/long

I am considering rChart/LeafLet to create a shiny app for housing sales in my county. There are several hundred …

r geolocation leaflet rcharts
Leaflet map not showing properly in bootstrap 3.0 modal

i have a big problem. i want to open a leaflet map in a modal. but the map is not …

twitter-bootstrap modal-dialog leaflet
R: Add title to Leaflet map

I'd like to add a title to the whole map (different from the legend title: addLegend(..., title = "", ...): by "title", I …

r leaflet r-leaflet
Loading GeoJSON layers from Geoserver to Leaflet Map based on the current bounding box

Currently, I have over 25000 points for my map. When I load all the points the map is extremely slow. Therefore, …

leaflet geojson geoserver bounding-box
Emulate click on leaflet map item

Having the Leaflet Choropleth tutorial i have to emulate a click event on a specific map area. For example: i …

javascript leaflet geojson
How to precisely place a div element on a map using leaflet js?

I have tried this couple of ways but have not been able to get it working. I want to place …

javascript leaflet
Change marker in folium map

I have a script to plot multiple points on a map through folium. Is there a way to change the …

javascript python leaflet folium