Top "Leaflet" questions

Leaflet is an open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly, cross-browser, interactive maps.

Mapbox Typescript

I managed to get Leaflet working with Angular 2 and Webpack by following this project. angular 2 leaflet starter I can see …

typescript angular leaflet mapbox
Use Bing Maps tiles with Leaflet

I'm trying to integrate Bing Maps tiles into Leaflet. All of the plugins I've found to do this have been …

php javascript leaflet bing-maps
leaflet js: draw POIs as canvas

I want to draw many geo points with Leaflet. Therefore I want to use HTML5 canvas to improve the performance. …

javascript canvas geojson leaflet
Print a line/multiline in a new layer over a map using Folium

I have tried Python folium library with impressive results, but there is one feature I am missing, or in any …

python leaflet folium
Leaflet: Circle behaving different from CircleMarker

In the documentation for Leaflet here: it says that CircleMaker extends Circle, and that …

javascript geojson leaflet
How can I use a custom created mapbox style along with leaflet

I can't find any examples for how to use custom created map-styles. On the mapbox page I created a style …

javascript html leaflet mapbox
How can I remove the drawing layer in leaflet.draw?

With leaflet.js using leaflet.draw.js after using the draw tool to draw one of the shapes on a …

javascript leaflet leaflet.draw
Popup when hover with leaflet in R?

My leaflet map looks something like this: library(sp) library(leaflet) circleFun <- function(center = c(0,0),diameter = 1, npoints = 100){ r = …

r leaflet r-leaflet
React-Leaflet marker files not found

I've got very simple code to display a map using react-leaflet and place a marker on it. However, i get …

javascript leaflet react-leaflet
Add existing leaflet polygons to an existing leaflet layer

I have a bunch of polygons which are stored in a database. I would like to add them to the …

javascript leaflet leaflet.draw