Laravel Passport is a native OAuth 2 server for Laravel apps.
After I updated the following packages I got an error that the oauth-public.key file couldn't be found. Package operations: 1 …
php laravel-5 oauth permissions laravel-passportThis error has come up when I use postman with the api.php file. Using the documentation example of Laravel 5.4 …
php laravel-5.3 laravel-5.4 laravel-passportWhat are the differences between these 2? And which one is better for a simple VueJS app? I've read their documents …
laravel laravel-passport laravel-7 laravel-sanctumNOTE: I had 4 bounties on this question, but non of the upvoted answers below are the answer needed for this …
laravel laravel-5 csrf-protection laravel-passport cookie-httponlyCan we use laravel passport with different guards to authenticate APIs for two different types of users. For example we …
laravel laravel-5 laravel-5.6 laravel-passport laravel-5.7Here is the current setup I have with CASL. currently it doesnt seem to be reading the rules array I …
laravel vue.js vue-component laravel-passport caslI've just downloaded the latest laravel 5.3 and I'm trying to install passport, but I'm getting the following composer error: Your …
php laravel composer-php laravel-5.3 laravel-passportI have a standard Laravel Passport setup on 5.4 - it all works fine and is generating tokens. I protect my …
php laravel routes middleware laravel-passportMy app works on Laravel 8 with laravel/passport 10.0.1. After upgrading php version on dev server from 7.4 to 8.0, I'm getting It …
php laravel-passport php-8