Top "Laravel-sanctum" questions

Getting user data with Laravel Sanctum

I was using Laravel's built-in api token authentication before but I wanted to provide multiple api tokens for different clients …

php laravel laravel-passport laravel-sanctum
Laravel 7 Sanctum logout

I'm using Laravel 7 with Sanctum authentication for my app. How can i implement the logout procedure? I use: Auth::user()…

laravel laravel-sanctum
How does Laravel sanctum expire tokens?

When I run $user->currentAccessToken()->delete(); the token expires, Auth::check() becomes false, what it is expected. …

laravel laravel-sanctum
Laravel Sanctum vs Passport

What are the differences between these 2? And which one is better for a simple VueJS app? I've read their documents …

laravel laravel-passport laravel-7 laravel-sanctum
Laravel Sanctum auth:sanctum middleware with Angular SPA unauthenticated response

I have an application that has the following setup: Laravel Host: appname.local:8000 Environment variables: SESSION_DRIVER=database SESSION_LIFETIME=480 …

php angular laravel laravel-sanctum
Laravel 7 Vue 2 Sanctum Login Error 419; CSRF Token Mismatch

I am using Laravel with default integration of Vue (Not separate project using Vue CLI). I'm trying to authenticate a …

laravel vue.js single-page-application csrf laravel-sanctum
CSRF token mismatch Laravel sanctum and Angular http

I have been trying to implement Laravel sanctum, but I am having this error "CSRF token mismatch" even though I …

angular laravel http laravel-sanctum