Top "Laravel-5.6" questions

Laravel 5.6 is a previous version of the open-source PHP web framework created by Taylor Otwell.

php - Unknown: Failed opening required on line 0. laravel 5.6

I just installed laracast/flash and updated nesbot/carbon via composer. The cmd went nuts while downloading carbon. Cmd interface …

php xampp laravel-5.6
Upgrading Laravel 5.5 to 5.6 error

I am trying to upgrade my Laravel 5.5 to 5.6. I have followed the instructions from the laravel website, yet I got …

php laravel composer-php laravel-5.6
Laravel Error "Class 'App\Http\Controllers\DateTime' not found"

public function recover(Request $request){ $email = $request->input('email'); // Create tokens $selector = bin2hex(random_bytes(8)); $token = random_bytes(32); $…

php laravel post laravel-5.6
Laravel mysql migrate error

I recently format my mac book pro, after cloning the proyect from github and install the things I need like …

php mysql laravel laravel-5.6
Laravel 5.6 - How to get auth()->user() or $response->user() in api controller?

In api.php routes file below, there are public routes and private routes: Route::group(['namespace' => 'API'], function() { // Public …

laravel laravel-5 laravel-5.5 laravel-5.6 laravel-passport
How to downgrade in Laravel Framework? (5.6 to 5.5)

I have a project which is done with Laravel 5.6. But My current server doesn't have php 7.1 installed yet. How is …

laravel-5.5 laravel-5.6 downgrade
Laravel add custom middleware to route group

in my web application i have admin panel and i'm trying to make access to users that they have admin …

laravel laravel-5.6
How to fix "Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) blocked cross-origin response with MIME type application/json." issue?

I'm currently developing the frontend (VueJS) for a project and to test my login and register logics I'm using laravel …

vue.js axios laravel-5.6
Laravel 5.6 Upgrade caused Logging to break

Heey! So I've recently been given the task to take a Laravel 5.2 up to 5.6. It seemed to be fine...until …

php laravel logging laravel-5.6
Laravel 5.6 - Pass additional parameters to API Resource?

A Laravel API Resource can be either a single resource or a collection. In some cases, additional parameters are required …

laravel-5 laravel-5.6