Translation from one human language to another in coding that ultimately determines the language viewed and used by the user.
Hi i am devloping sample site in php i need to translate whole website in to persian. how can it …
php language-translationI am trying to use the Bing Translation API, but I am confused. There seems to be much possibilities (old …
api localization bing language-translation microsoft-translatorI have completed my plugin, now want to provide a multilingual features for my users. I goggled about it, but …
wordpress language-translationAs you will see in my code below, I have already made a program that translates from English into Pig …
python language-translationI have a QMessageBox like this: QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Sure want to quit?"), tr("Sure to quit?"), QMessageBox::Yes | …
c++ qt messagebox language-translationI'm trying to get Django's translation system to work, following the tutorial here. Here are my two views (one for …
python django localization internationalization language-translationI want to translate my website using Google Translate. I used the code below. <div id="google_translate_element"&…
language-translation google-translator-toolkit