As you will see in my code below, I have already made a program that translates from English into Pig Latin. It follows two rules:
I know this is an odd way to do it, but just humour me.
The issue: when translating into English, I can't think of a way to let the code know at exactly which point it should separate the root of the original word from the suffix because some words begin with 1 consonant, others with 2 consonants, etc.
Any help would be appreciated. Please bear in mind that I am a novice.
vowels = ('AEIOUaeiou')
def toPigLatin(s):
sentence = s.split(" ")
latin = ""
for word in sentence:
if word[0] in vowels:
latin += word + "way" + " "
vowel_index = 0
for letter in word:
if letter not in vowels:
vowel_index += 1
latin += word[vowel_index:] + "a" + word[:vowel_index] + "ay" + " "
return latin[:len(latin) - 1]
def toEnglish(s):
sentence = s.split(" ")
english = ""
for word in sentence:
if word[:len(word) - 4:-1] == 'yaw':
english += word[:len(word) - 3] + " "
#here's where I'm stuck
return english
Thanks in advance!
Kevin wis right about completely unambiguous translation being impossible, but I think this is probably what you're looking for:
def toEnglish(s):
sentence = s.split(" ")
english = ""
for word in sentence:
if word[:len(word) - 4:-1] == 'yaw':
english += word[:len(word) - 3] + " "
noay = word[:len(word) - 2]
firstconsonants = noay.split("a")[-1]
consonantsremoved = noay[:len(noay) - (len(firstconsonants)+1)]
english += firstconsonants + consonantsremoved + " "
return english