Top "Label" questions

A label is a placeholder for text and other UI elements.

Blogger multiple label search

on any blogspot blog, if you click on a label, it will do a search for you on all the …

search label blogger blogspot
This source code is switching on a string in C. How does it do that?

I'm reading through some emulator code and I've countered something truly odd: switch (reg){ case 'eax': /* and so on*/ } How …

c switch-statement label constants
Setting app name in application label isn't working

So I've got an Android App with an generated Login Screen (the one you can directly create from Eclipse). That's …

android string label android-manifest launch
How to apply CSS to the internal elements of an ASP.NET CheckBoxList control

I need to manipulate the attributes of a label element inside an ASP.NET CheckBoxList control. Each checkbox label needs … checkbox label webforms checkboxlist
Clicking on label not checking checkbox if hidden when using IE 7 or 8

I am trying to create a custom designed checkbox using the label associated to a checkbox element and hiding (display:…

javascript jquery checkbox label clickable
WPF click on label change checkbox isChecked property

I’m new to WPF and try (in my opinion) an easy task but I didn’t get it. Even …

wpf checkbox label ischecked
ZPL - Barcode Missing a digit when printed

I am trying to print a Code 128 barcode on a label using the following the piece of ZPL with a …

label barcode zebra-printers zpl barcode-printing
JavaFX labels height

I'm developing software in JavaFX and JavaFX Scene Builder. I have a grid pane with 2 columns. Actually in each of …

java height javafx label scenebuilder
Specify decimal places in r plot text?

I tried to format the label of my regression curve created in the base graphics system. Basically, this label extracts …

r plot label decimalformat
Label in a QToolbar

How would you suggest to add a label on a QToolbar ? Since it only accepts action or somethings like that. …

qt label qtoolbar