I'm developing software in JavaFX and JavaFX Scene Builder.
I have a grid pane with 2 columns. Actually in each of the cells there are labels. In the first column of the table the text inside the label is a default constant, in the second one the text can change.
The problem is that if the text variable is too long, it's automatically truncated.
How to start a new line trimming the text and re-sizing the height of the rows in the grid pane?
Thanks to @fabian issues, this is the solution to the initial question. In addiction is necessary to set the fx:id of each element into Scene Builder.
@FXML private GridPane gridPane;
@FXML private Text text1;
@FXML private Text text2;
@FXML private Text text3;
private void setGridRowHeight(GridPane gpName, int numRow, double height){
ObservableList<RowConstraints> rows = gpName.getRowConstraints();
private void addTextListener(final GridPane gridPane, final Text text){
text.textProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<String>() {
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends String> observable, String oldValue, String newValue) {
text.setWrappingWidth( gridPane.getColumnConstraints().get(1).getPrefWidth() );
setGridRowHeight(gridPane, gridPane.getRowIndex(text), text.getLayoutBounds().getHeight() );
@FXML public void initialize() {
addTextListener(gridPane, text1);
addTextListener(gridPane, text2);
addTextListener(gridPane, text3);