Top "Kendo-tooltip" questions

The Kendo Tooltip is a Kendo widget that Customizable and themeable tooltip.

Kendo UI - Tooltip in a grid

I'm trying to create a tooltip for my grid like this: $("#grid").kendoTooltip({ autoHide: true, showOn: "mouseenter", width:125, height:125, position: "…

javascript kendo-ui kendo-grid kendo-template kendo-tooltip
Kendo UI: Conditionally preventing a Tooltip from being displayed on a Grid cell

I'm working on trying to display a Kendo tool tip on a grid cell, getting the content from an ajax …

jquery kendo-ui kendo-grid kendo-tooltip
Dynamically add tooltips to kendo grid rows of a column

I have a column with some notes displaying in the rows. Since the notes are huge, I have cut short …

kendo-ui kendo-grid kendo-tooltip
Kendo UI Tooltip remove/destroy?

How do I remove/destroy an existing tooltip created like: $(td[role=gridcell]").kendoTooltip({ ... }); For example, to destroy a grid …

jquery kendo-ui kendo-tooltip
Kendo UI Tooltip on show, access target?

The target is accessible by passing the argument e to the anonymous function for content. gridToolTipz = $('#grid').kendoTooltip({ filter: "…

jquery kendo-ui kendo-tooltip
Kendo Tooltip relative to mouse position?

I would like the Kendo Tooltip to show next to the mouse when clicking/triggering it to open. It seems …

javascript jquery kendo-ui tooltip kendo-tooltip