Kendo UI - Tooltip in a grid

nouptime picture nouptime · Apr 22, 2014 · Viewed 19.8k times · Source

I'm trying to create a tooltip for my grid like this:

    autoHide: true,
    showOn: "mouseenter",
    position: "right",
    filter: ".k-grid-content a.hasTooltip",
    content: kendo.template($("#storeTerritory").html())

The template definition:

<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="storeTerritory">
<div class="tooltipcontent">
    #for(var i = 0; i < Territories.length; i++){#
        #if (Territories != 'null' && Territories != '')  {#
        #} else{#
            <p>Information not available</p>

I've setup a sample here:

I get a ReferenceError: Territories is not defined error in the console when I mouse over on 'Wilton'

Let's say I were to replace the contents of the storeTerritory template with plain-old HTML, then the tooltip appears:


What could the issue be?


Lars H&#246;ppner picture Lars Höppner · Apr 23, 2014

The problem is that there is no model associated with the tooltip; in order to do what you want, you need to create the content using a function:

    autoHide: true,
    showOn: "mouseenter",
    width: 125,
    height: 125,
    position: "right",
    filter: ".k-grid-content a.hasTooltip",
    content: function (e) {
        var row = $("tr");
        var dataItem = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid").dataItem(row);

        var template = kendo.template($("#storeTerritory").html());
        return template(dataItem);

(updated demo)