Top "Keep-alive" questions

A feature of HTTP where the same connection is used for multiple requests, speeding up downloading of web pages with multiple resources.

How to send consecutive requests with HTTP keep-alive in node.js?

I'm using node.js 0.6.18, and the following code makes node.js close the TCP connection between every two requests (verified …

http node.js client keep-alive
keep-alive configurations of spring-boot app

I am trying to fix/debug an issue of too many closing connection in a spring-boot web app that uses …

spring-boot keep-alive embedded-tomcat
c# ping a website? (keep-alive service)

is there a way in c# to be able to ping a url every 15 minutes and get a response back …

c# keep-alive
How do I prevent my .NET SOAP client from including "Connection: KeepAlive" in the HTTP headers. (using WSE3.0)

In the HTTP Connection header, my web service client is including: Connection: Keep-Alive I want to disable this. After doing …

.net wse keep-alive webservice-client wse3.0
How to keep HTTP session cookies in HttpContext between activities on Android?

Here is current simple description my app. It uses some remote server API, which uses standart HTTP session. Login activity. …

java android http session keep-alive
iPhone app running while screen locked

Here is something I am trying desperately to get to work: I have an app that polls the GPS module …

iphone screen locking keep-alive
How can I disable keep-alive on ASP.NET Web Service client requests?

I have a few web servers behind an Amazon EC2 load balancer. I'm using TCP balancing on port 80 (rather than …

c# web-services load-balancing keep-alive
Close connection instead of setting 'keep-alive'

I'm trying to disable the keep-alive setting in a very simple express app. I tried the answer from someone doing …

node.js express keep-alive
Keep XMPP connection (using asmack) alive on Android

I'm developing an application that receives push notifications via XMPP ( I know C2DM, but it has some limitations and …

android xmpp push smack keep-alive
How do I keep a Perl script running on Unix after I log off?

I have a script that takes a lot of time to complete. Instead of waiting for it to finish, I'd …

scheduling nohup keep-alive at-job