Top "Keep-alive" questions

A feature of HTTP where the same connection is used for multiple requests, speeding up downloading of web pages with multiple resources.

When is a TCP connection considered idle?

I have a requirement to enable TCP keepalive on any connections and now I am struggling with the results from …

linux sockets tcp keep-alive retransmit-timeout
Sending connection header set as keep-alive

I'm trying to send the same information from my application as I send from the browser. Here is part of …

c# fiddler keep-alive
When to use httpclose or http-server-close in haproxy

I have inherited a system where it has some performance issues due to network latency. We are using CentOS 5.x, …

https haproxy keep-alive
PHP, nodeJS and sessions

I have an classical apache server delivering php files, and a nodeJS server (with, but whithout express/connect) …

php node.js sockets session keep-alive
Enable Keep-Alive (Page Speed)

What is the keep-alive feature? How can I enable it? Following is the output from the chrome's Page Speed plugin. …

performance google-chrome web-applications keep-alive pagespeed
How to do keepalive http request with curl?

How can I request multiple pages from the same web server within the same connection? So the client side need …

c http curl keep-alive
Possible to enable Keep-alive with a load balancer?

I'm trying to optimize my web application using Google's Page Speed API which has highlighted the absence of "Keep-alive" in …

load-balancing keep-alive
apache proxy to tomcat keep alive confusion

I have an apache 2.2 server infront of a tomcat 6 server. using mod_proxy_ajp on apache to proxy requests to …

apache tomcat ajp keep-alive
KeepAlive with WCF and TCP?

I have a Windows Service hosting an advanced WCF service that communicates over TCP(netTCP) with, some times …

c# wcf tcp keep-alive
How to make Flask/ keep Ajax HTTP connection alive?

I have a jQuery Ajax call, like so: $("#tags").keyup(function(event) { $.ajax({url: "/terms", type: "POST", contentType: "application/json", …

ajax flask keep-alive werkzeug