Top "Jvm-arguments" questions

Command-line options and environment variables that can affect the performance characteristics of the Java Virtual Machine

Increasing the JVM maximum heap size for memory intensive applications

I need to run a Java memory intensive application that uses more than 2GB, but I am having problems to …

java jvm jvm-arguments
What does -XX:MaxPermSize do?

Specifically, why would it help to fix a PermGen OutOfMemoryError issue? Also, bonus points for an answer that points me …

java jvm jvm-arguments
How to increase IDE memory limit in IntelliJ IDEA on Mac?

I'm using IDEA 12 Leda on Mountain Lion. I wanted to increase the maximum memory that IDE can use. I set …

java macos intellij-idea jvm-arguments
JVM heap parameters

After reading already asked question on the subject and a lot of googling I am still not able to have …

java jvm-arguments
Speed tradeoff of Java's -Xms and -Xmx options

Given these two commands A: $ java -Xms10G -Xmx10G myjavacode input.txt B: $ java -Xms5G -Xmx5G myjavacode …

java performance jvm-arguments
How to give Jenkins more heap space when it´s started as a service under Windows?

I want to increase the available heap space for Jenkins. But as it is installed as a service I don´…

jenkins heap jvm-arguments
How to get VM arguments from inside of Java application?

I need to check if some option that can be passed to JVM is explicitly set or has its default …

java jvm jvm-arguments
Difference between -XX:+UseParallelGC and -XX:+UseParNewGC

They are algorithms for the young generation garbage collection. The second one (UseParNewGC) gets activated automatically with the concurrent tenured …

java jvm-arguments
Java stack overflow error - how to increase the stack size in Eclipse?

I am running a program that I've written in Java in Eclipse. The program has a very deep level of …

java eclipse jvm stack-overflow jvm-arguments