Top "Jvm-arguments" questions

Command-line options and environment variables that can affect the performance characteristics of the Java Virtual Machine

Java Invalid maximum heap size

I just installed Ubuntu 64Bit on my VServer and JRE build 1.7.0_67-b01. If I want to run a java jar-file …

java ubuntu jar jvm jvm-arguments
JVM -XX:+StringCache argument?

I was recently reading about all the JVM arguments available in JRE 6 [Java VM Options] and saw this : -XX:+StringCache : …

java jvm jvm-hotspot jvm-arguments
Why JVM calculated PS Survivor Space size too low for parallel collector

I am using JDK1.6.0_16 JVM for the java application that is hosted on an Linux Intel procesor 80 cores machine. while …

garbage-collection jvm heap-memory jvm-arguments parallel-collections
Cannot create JVM with -XX:+UseLargePages enabled

I have a Java service that currently runs with a 14GB heap. I am keen to try out the -XX:+…

jvm debian jvm-arguments large-object-heap huge-pages
Java VM tuning - Xbatch and -Xcomp

I am looking at the JVM configuration options for running Alfresco, mainly this document on the Alfresco Wiki. One of …

java jvm jvm-hotspot jvm-arguments
TeamCity how to set JVM Arguments

my teamcity build server has following JVM Arguments: -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=270m sometimes it shows some memory problem message …

jvm teamcity jvm-arguments
JVM option XX:UseFastEmptyMethods/XX:UseFastAccessorMethods

While looking at possible JVM flags for optimizing launching startup time of my RCP product, I found these attractively-named -XX:…

java optimization jvm-arguments
Override log level (java.util.logging) with JVM-argument?

Is it possible to override/set log level of java.util.logging.Logger by passing an JVM option on start …

java logging jvm-arguments java.util.logging
Java: How to specify JVM argument -XX:ErrorFile and preserve automatic PID in filename

I am using the JNI and when there is a crash due to errors in the target application a hs_…

java jvm-arguments hs-err
Can I force the JVM to natively compile a given method?

I have a performance-critical method called often when my app starts up. Eventually, it gets JIT-compiled, but not after some …

java performance jit jvm-arguments