Top "Jupyter" questions

Jupyter is a collection of environments and protocols for interactive computing.

Share variables between different jupyter notebooks

I have two different Jupyter notebooks, running on the same server. What I would like to do is to access …

jupyter jupyter-notebook
Jupyter: how to make simple illustrations

I am learning to use Jupyter/IPython Notebook as an electronic notebook. Sometimes I need simple illustrations to go along …

ipython-notebook tikz jupyter
How to solve the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'prompt_toolkit.formatted_text' in Jupyter Notebook inside the Pycharm IDE?

I am using Pycharm 2018.2 version in ubuntu 18.04 and I am trying to use the JupyterNoteBook inside the pycharm it's been …

python jupyter-notebook pycharm jupyter jupyter-irkernel
Django: SynchronousOnlyOperation: You cannot call this from an async context - use a thread or sync_to_async

I use Django 3.0.6 and Jupyter notebook running with shell_plus --notebook. I try run queryset: User.objects.all() But return …

asynchronous jupyter django-3.0
Jupyter Notebook: Importing SMOTE from imblearn - ImportError: cannot import name 'pairwise_distances_chunked'

I'm trying to use the SMOTE package in the imblearn library using: from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE getting the …

python jupyter imblearn
iPyWidget with date slider?

I am wondering if there's an easy way to build an iPyWidget with a datetime slider. Right now it is …

python jupyter-notebook ipython jupyter ipywidgets
Jupyter notebook, wrong sys.path and sys.executable

I'm trying to run the anaconda distribution of python libraries in a Jupyter Notebook, but when I run the notebook …

python python-2.7 jupyter-notebook jupyter sys
Persistent use of Jupyter Notebook from remote server

I connect to a remote server using ssh -L but if I close the laptop lid or the connection is …

jupyter-notebook jupyter remote-access remote-server gnu-screen
Running pytest test functions inside a jupyter notebook

I'm working on a presentation about python testing options, and one of the technologies I want to demo is pytest. …

python jupyter-notebook pytest jupyter
Why does jupyter display "None not found"?

I am trying to use jupyter to write and edit python code. I have a .ipynb file open, but I …

python kernel anaconda jupyter jupyter-notebook