Top "Imblearn" questions

Python Imbalanced learning package.

Jupyter: No module named 'imblearn" after installation

I installed "imbalanced-learn" (version 0.3.1) on ANACONDA Navigator. When I ran an example from the imbalanced-learn website using Jupyter (Python 3), I …

python-3.x anaconda imblearn
Problems importing imblearn python package on ipython notebook

I installed on windows powershell using pip install, conda and github. But when I'm on …

python python-2.7 powershell jupyter-notebook imblearn
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imblearn'

I tried running the following code: from imblearn import under_sampling, over_sampling from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE sm = …

python-3.x machine-learning pip imblearn
AttributeError: 'SMOTE' object has no attribute '_validate_data'

I'm resampling my data (multiclass) by using SMOTE. sm = SMOTE(random_state=1) X_res, Y_res = sm.fit_resample(X_…

python scikit-learn imbalanced-data imblearn
SMOTE initialisation expects n_neighbors <= n_samples, but n_samples < n_neighbors

I have already pre-cleaned the data, and below shows the format of the top 4 rows: [IN] df.head() [OUT] Year …

scikit-learn knn tf-idf oversampling imblearn
No module named 'sklearn.neighbors._base'

I have recently installed imblearn package in jupyter using !pip show imbalanced-learn But I am not able to import this …

python scikit-learn imbalanced-data imblearn
Jupyter Notebook: Importing SMOTE from imblearn - ImportError: cannot import name 'pairwise_distances_chunked'

I'm trying to use the SMOTE package in the imblearn library using: from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE getting the …

python jupyter imblearn
AttributeError: 'SMOTE' object has no attribute 'fit_sample'

Hi can anyone help why I am getting AttributeError: 'SMOTE' object has no attribute 'fit_sample' error? I don't think …

python python-3.x imblearn
RandomUnderSampler' object has no attribute 'fit_resample'

I am using RandomUnderSampler from imblearn, but I get the following error. Any ideas? Thanks from imblearn.under_sampling import …

python jupyter-notebook jupyter imblearn