Top "Jstl" questions

JSTL (JSP Standard Tag Library) is a JSP based standard tag library which offers tags to control the flow in the JSP page, date/number formatting and internationalization facilities and several utility EL functions.

fn JSTL not supported

when am using ${fn:contains()}" it causes the following exception: org.apache.taglibs.standard.lang.jstl.parser.ParseException: EL functions …

java jstl appfuse
rich:datatable rowspan issue

I need to create a rich:dataTable (or even extended) with the following features: I have a class Company having …

java jsf jakarta-ee richfaces jstl
Checked radion button based on model variable + Spring forms + JSP

I have model called with variable lang .I want to check the radio button option in JSP based …

spring jsp spring-mvc jstl spring-form
Parse request URL in JSTL

I want to display a specific message based on the URL request on a JSP. the request URL can be: /…

regex spring jstl url-parsing
Don't know how to iterate over supplied "items" in <c:forEach>

I am using JSF 1.2 in my application. I am trying to iterate through a String array which is defined in …

java jsp jsf jstl jsf-1.2
JSTL - use formatDate with a java.sql.Timestamp

I have a tag with the following: <%@ tag body-content="empty"%> <%@ attribute name="timestamp" required="true" type="java.…

java servlets timestamp jstl jsp-tags
JSPG0122E: Unable to parse EL function in Websphere 8

I am moving a web application from Websphere 6.1 to Websphere 8, and I am encountering the following error in one of …

java jstl el websphere-6.1 websphere-8
How to assign values to the parameters of <portlet:resourceURL/>?

I'm trying to assign values to the parameters of <portlet:resourceURL/> <portlet:resourceURL id="<%=Constants.Color%&…

jsp jboss jstl portlet jboss-portal
Difference in HTML output from <c:out escapeXml="false"> and scriptlet

I am using JSTL to display my data from database in which records also contain some special characters. When I …

html jsp jstl scriptlet
How to make fmt:setLocale work on fmt:formatNumber with only language code in JSP?

I'm trying to localize currency on my JSP web application, problem is when I ask for locale, I only get …

jsp internationalization jstl stripes