Top "Jstl" questions

JSTL (JSP Standard Tag Library) is a JSP based standard tag library which offers tags to control the flow in the JSP page, date/number formatting and internationalization facilities and several utility EL functions.

JSTL Resource Bundle for Internationalization and Localization

We have an application that using the basic JSP/servlet that all text currently in English is hard coded in …

jsp localization internationalization jstl resourcebundle
JSTL Expression for test if Not

I am trying to know whether certain text starts with an expression "Service include.." using JSTL condition. However, I see …

java regex jsp jstl taglib
Ways to access the query parameters JSP, JSTL, Javascript

I have been using the following 3 ways to access the query parameters in the URL. JSP String success = request.getParameter("…

javascript html jsp jstl query-parameters
Problem with session attributes in JSP EL using Spring MVC

I'm trying to show a session attribute "userSession" in a jsp page using JSP EL, but it returns null (case 1). …

jsp spring-mvc jstl session-variables el
javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: using JSTL in JSP

I have a JSP where I'm trying to use JSTL tags to display data from an in-memory instance of a …

jsp jstl el propertynotfoundexception
reading properties file from JSTL

I am trying to read a "properties file" form JSTL using taglib , but i can't access it <%@ taglib prefix="…

properties jstl taglib
cannot load JSTL taglib within embedded Jetty server

I am writing a web application that runs within an embedded Jetty instance. When I attempt to execute a JSTL …

java jetty jstl taglib embedded-jetty
Spring 3 -- accessing Model values in JSP

I have a JSP where I am trying to print out values from my Model, but nothing appears in the …

jsp jstl spring-3 modelattribute
Failed to load or instantiate TagLibraryValidator class: org.apache.taglibs.standard.tlv.JstlCoreTLV

So I was working with JSTL in OSGi, under Gemini runtime. And I'm getting following exception, when I try to …

java jsp jstl osgi taglib
How to check isNumeric / isNumber in JSTL?

How to do this simple check in JSTL (without extending any Java classes and additional JSP functions). I need it …

jsp jstl el isnumeric