Checked radion button based on model variable + Spring forms + JSP

RKCY picture RKCY · Oct 27, 2016 · Viewed 9.8k times · Source

I have model called with variable lang .I want to check the radio button option in JSP based on the lang. It could be 'EN' or 'FR'. when i wrote below code, throwing error in JSP page.


<form:radiobutton path="lang" id="language" value="FR" name="radios" <c:if ${cuntry.lang == 'FR' ? 'checked="checked"' : '' } /> ></form:radiobutton>

Error : Unterminated &lt;form:radiobutton tag


micaro picture micaro · Oct 28, 2016

There are multiple errors in the form tag. When using Spring tags, you may not specify id and name attributes. They will be generated automatically from path variable. Tag <c:if ... /> inside another tag <form:radiobutton ... /> is not allowed. Remove end tag as well. This is the right way

<form:radiobutton path="lang" value="FR" checked="${cuntry.lang == 'FR' ? 'checked' : '' }" />

If the value of cuntry.lang is FR, the Spring tag will result the following HTML (after compiling)

<input id="lang" name="lang" checked="checked" type="radio" value="FR" />


<input id="lang" name="lang" type="radio" value="FR" />

If you absolutely need attributes id = language and name = radios, you can not use Spring tag .

You will find a good example here.