Top "Jsonpath" questions

JSONPath is a means of using XPath-like syntax to query JSON structures.

Set specific JSONPATH element value

I was trying to set the author value from the following JSON text but my code is removing the all …

java jsonpath
JSON Parser -java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: defaultReader

I am using a JSON parser to extract the value and I am using the following jar json-path-2.1.0, and I …

json nomethoderror jsonpath
JSONPath Syntax when dot in key

Please forgive me if I use the incorrect terminology, I am quite the novice. I have some simple JSON: { "properties": { "…

json jsonpath
JsonPath - read Java Long type

I've got JSON data that looks like this {"sessionID":7242750700467747000} The number is previously obtained from server response and is generated …

java json types jsonpath
Find a JSON property name that starts with something using JSON Path

Is it possible to find a property name that matches a regex pattern (or at least starts with) using JSON …

javascript node.js xpath jsonpath
JSONPath expression for checking string in Apache Camel XML

Let's say I have a simple json file such as the following { "log": { "host": "blah", "severity": "INFO", "system": "1" } } I'm using …

json apache-camel activemq jsonpath