Top "Jsonpath" questions

JSONPath is a means of using XPath-like syntax to query JSON structures.

Asserting array of arrays with JSONPath and spring mvc

I'm having difficulty figuring out how to assert with jsonPath in a JSON document response in spring mvc. Perhaps there's …

spring-mvc junit jsonpath mockmvc
JSON.NET how to remove nodes

I have a json like the following: { "d": { "results": [ { "__metadata": { }, "prop1": "value1", "prop2": "value2", "__some": "value" }, { "__metadata": { }, "prop3": "value1", "prop4": "…

c# json jsonpath
How to extract keys in a nested json array object in Presto?

I'm using the latest(0.117) Presto and trying to execute CROSS JOIN UNNEST with complex JSON array like this. [{"id": 1, "value":"…

jsonpath presto
JSONPath expression to get a value from an array on condition or just the first value

Given JSON structured like this: { "name":"Some Guy", "emails":[ { "description":"primary", "status":"UNVERIFIED", "email":"[email protected]" }, { "description":"home", "status":"…

json jsonpath
Hamcrest with MockMvc: check that key exists but value may be null

I'm doing some tests with MockMvc, and I want to validate the structure of a JSON response. Specifically, I want …

java hamcrest jsonpath mockmvc
JsonPath expression to filter using regex

We are using a tool which uses jayway library for evaluating JSONpath expression. Javascript does NOT seem to work with …

regex json jsonpath
JsonPath AND Operator on Array

I have an array in JSON and I would like to apply two filters to it like so: $._embedded.values[0]._…

Gatling - Looping through JSON array

I have a block of code which needs to loop through a JSON array which is obtained from response of …

json scala jsonpath gatling
How to use C# example using JsonPath?

I'm trying to use JsonPath for .NET ( and I'm having trouble finding …

c# jsonpath
JSONPath :contains filter

Hey all, I was wondering if any knew of a way to use a regular expression or wildcard operator (or …

javascript jquery regex json jsonpath