Hamcrest with MockMvc: check that key exists but value may be null

nebulabrot picture nebulabrot · Aug 15, 2014 · Viewed 26k times · Source

I'm doing some tests with MockMvc, and I want to validate the structure of a JSON response. Specifically, I want to make sure that the key to an attribute exists, and that the value is of a certain type or null.

   "keyToNull": null,  # This may be null, or a String
   "keyToString": "some value"

The following works for me, but I'm wondering if there's a way to combine each group of two expectations into a single line, as I have a lot of attributes to check:

import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.*;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;

                  anyOf(any(String.class), nullValue(String.class))))

                  anyOf(any(String.class), nullValue(String.class))))

The hasKey() is necessary because the other assertion by itself passes since nonexistent keys in MockMvc's implementation map to null:

                  anyOf(any(String.class), nullValue(String.class)))) // ok

jsonPath().exists() also doesn't work, because internally it compares the value against null.

I've considered making a separate method like this:

private static <T> void assertNullableAttr(ResultActions res, String jsonPath, Class<T> type) throws Exception {
    int split = jsonPath.lastIndexOf('.');
    String prefix = jsonPath.substring(0, split), key = jsonPath.substring(split+1);

        .andExpect(jsonPath(jsonPath).value(anyOf(any(type), nullValue(type))));

But then it forces me to split my code in an unnatural way:

ResultActions res = mockMvc.perform(get("/api"))
    // these attributes must not be null

// these attributes may be null
assertNullableAttr(res, "$.someInfo[0].info3", String.class);
assertNullableAttr(res, "$.someInfo[0].info4", String.class);

assertNullableAttr(res, "$.addlInfo[0].info3", String.class);
assertNullableAttr(res, "$.addlInfo[0].info4", String.class);

Is there any clever Hamcrest Matcher I could apply to a single json path per attribute?


Jeremy D picture Jeremy D · Feb 18, 2015

You can perform this operation with the following existing test classes:


Be sure to import org.hamcrest.core.IsNull