Top "Jsonb" questions

Binary version of the json data type, used in Postgres 9.4+. The major practical difference is efficiency.

PostgreSQL: How to SUM all attributes in a JSONB field?

I am working with Postgres 9.4. I have a JSONB field: Column │ Type │ Modifiers ─────────────────┼──────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── id │ integer │ not null default practice_id │ …

json postgresql postgresql-9.4 jsonb
JSONb dates: actual dates internally?

I'm using the postgresql jdbc adapter to migrate a bunch of data into a jsonb field (postgres 9.4). After importing, date …

postgresql date jsonb
Upgrade PostgreSQL JSON column to JSONB?

After upgrading to PostgreSQL 9.4, how do I convert all my JSON columns into JSONB columns? I don't mind losing any …

postgresql jsonb
How to use PostgreSQL JSONB_SET() to create new deep object element

I must be missing something... seems JSONB_SET() is not working as advertised? SELECT JSONB_SET( '{"k1": {"value": "v1"}}…

postgresql jsonb postgresql-9.6
,column <columnName> is of type jsonb but expression is of type text[]

Have array as below, needs to be saved in JSONB column: [{"FoodType":"veg","pref":"High"} ,{"FoodType":"sea food","pref":"Medium"} ,{"…

arrays postgresql jsonb pg-promise
How to insert JSONB into Postgresql with Python?

I am new to python and postgresql I've been battling just hardcoding each json line with python and I don't …

python json postgresql psycopg2 jsonb
Query jsonb column containing array of JSON objects

I use PostgreSQL 9.5 and Rails 5. I want to query the jsonb column shown below that holds an array of JSON …

sql ruby-on-rails postgresql rails-activerecord jsonb
Postgresql, retrieve value for specific key from json array

I have Postgres JSONB array of objects, looking like this : '[ { "skillId": "1", "skillLevel": 42 }, { "skillId": "2", "skillLevel": 41 } ]' This JSONB is a …

sql arrays json postgresql jsonb
Django ProgrammingError in Fields on PostgreSQL class Stop(models.Model): idn = models.PositiveIntegerField(primary_key=True, unique=True) label = models.CharField(null=False, blank=…

django postgresql python-3.x psycopg2 jsonb
postgresql: jsonb update multiple keys in one query

I have the following postgresql rows as JSONB row: {age:26} And I would like to replace it so that that …

sql postgresql psycopg2 jsonb