Top "Jsonb" questions

Binary version of the json data type, used in Postgres 9.4+. The major practical difference is efficiency.

Join tables using a value inside a JSONB column

There are two tables: Authorized Contacts (auth_contacts): ( userid varchar contacts jsonb ) contacts contains an array of contacts with attributes {…

sql postgresql-9.4 jsonb
Extract json array from postgres table gives error: cannot extract elements from a scalar

By using jsonb_array_elements() function to extract out jsonb data array from Postgres, it gave error: cannot extract elements …

arrays json postgresql jsonb
Querying Postgres 9.6 JSONB array of objects

I have the following table: CREATE TABLE trip ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY , gps_data_json jsonb NOT NULL ); The JSON …

postgresql jsonb postgresql-9.6
Is it possible to use Hibernate with PostgreSql's JSONB data type?

Hibernate 5 does not support the PostgreSQL jsonb data type by default. Is there any way to implement jsonb support for …

hibernate jpa jsonb
In postgresql, how can I return a boolean value instead of string on a jsonb key?

In the query below, $isComplete and $isValid are returned as a string. However, they are saved as boolean values. How …

json postgresql jsonb
How do I search for a specific string in a JSON Postgres data type column?

I have a column named params in a table named reports which contains JSON. I need to find which rows …

json postgresql jsonb
How to get size of PostgreSQL jsonb field?

I have a table with jsonb field in table. CREATE TABLE data.items ( id serial NOT NULL, datab jsonb ) How …

postgresql jsonb
Store accessor for nested JSON

I have the model "Organization" that stores all information related to an organization. There is a field of type JSONB …

ruby-on-rails json activerecord jsonb
PostgreSQL compare two jsonb objects

With PostgreSQL(v9.5), the JSONB formats give awesome opportunities. But now I'm stuck with what seems like a relatively simple …

postgresql jsonb postgresql-9.5
Postgresql update json data property

I created a field name is result and type is text. I just want to update 'lat' in column. When …

json postgresql jsonb postgresql-9.4 postgresql-9.6