Top "Jsdom" questions

Implementation of the WHATWG DOM and HTML Standards (among others) for node.

jsdom: dispatchEvent/addEventListener doesn't seem to work

Summary: I am attempting to test a React component that listens to native DOM events in its componentWillMount. I'm finding …

javascript testing jsdom
How to setup jsdom when working with jest

I'm trying to migrate from AVA to Jest. In AVA you can set ava.setup, in which you set the …

javascript jestjs jsdom ava
How to access DOM using Node.js?

I have an editor.html that contains generatePNG function: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <…

javascript jquery node.js cheerio jsdom
JSDOM in nodeJS: How do I get back the manipulated html?

I am trying to manipulate a remote HTML and return it manipulated. I decided to use JSDOM but cannot figure …

javascript node.js jsdom
How to use jQuery with jsdom@5?

I am migrating from node.js to io.js and my old node.js code does not work with jsdom@5. …

jquery node.js jsdom io.js
npm install jsdom error on windows?

I have installed nodejs on my windows pc. And it was working fine. But when I tried to install jsdom …

node.js npm jsdom
unit test raises error because of .getContext() is not implemented

I am writing tests using Jest for components that use canvas elements. I keep getting an error when I run …

javascript canvas jestjs jsdom
D3js : How to convert svg text to path?

Is there a D3.js way to convert a text element into a path element? So when I grasp the …

node.js svg d3.js imagemagick jsdom
How to fix "$ is not defined" error when unit testing Jquery with Typescript using Mocha?

I am writing Mocha unit tests for Typescript code containing Jquery. I'm using jsdom for getting the document object. When …

jquery unit-testing typescript mocha.js jsdom
Testing React portals with enzyme

So I'm having a hard time writing tests for a modal component using React fiber's portal. Because my modal mounts …

reactjs jestjs enzyme jsdom