AVA is a fast and simple JavaScript test runner with builtin support for ES2015.
I get the following error, when testing some javascript code, transpiled from a typescript file. Here is the error: Error: _…
javascript typescript avaI'm trying to migrate from AVA to Jest. In AVA you can set ava.setup, in which you set the …
javascript jestjs jsdom avaI have been trying to write unit test in javascript for the method which uses jwt token validation. So the …
javascript unit-testing jwt sinon avaMy NodeJS application uses request-promise-native. import request from 'request-promise-native' const https = require('https') const myRequest = request.defaults({ baseUrl: 'myBaseUrl', agent: …
node.js unit-testing sinon avaSo ava comes with build-in ES2015 support, which works fine for my actual test files. However, when I do import {…