Top "Jsdom" questions

Implementation of the WHATWG DOM and HTML Standards (among others) for node.

React + enzyme unit tests, can't access window.addEventListener

I have some unit tests set up, testing with enzyme's shallow method with a jsdom configuration. This has been working …

javascript reactjs unit-testing enzyme jsdom
jsdom.env not working on node.js C9

So I've been working with Node.js on C9 recently and ran into this problem in a javascript file: jsdom.…

javascript node.js jsdom
jsdom - document.querySelector enabled, but is missing from document

I would like to use JSDom to perform some server-wise DOM manipulation. However, despite explcitly enabling querySelector, it is undefined …

node.js jsdom native-methods
What are the use cases of jsdom

After reading this Micro templates are dead article. I've become curious: Whether Using the DOM on the server results in …

javascript templates node.js jsdom
Does Jest reset the JSDOM document after every suite or test?

I'm testing a couple of components that reach outside of their DOM structure when mounting and unmounting to provide specific …

testing jestjs jsdom
npm not installing jsdom in Windows

Im building an app in node.js with jQuery, but when I try to execute, it says it couldnt find …

node.js npm jsdom
mocha + jsdom + React TypeError: Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of undefined

I'm just getting started unit testing a React 0.10.0 component with mocha 2.3.3, jsdom 6.5.1, and Node.js 4.1.1. I have this for my …

reactjs mocha.js jsdom
Building contextify under Windows 7 x64 (for NodeJS jQuery)

I try to get node-jquery working. contextify is one of the dependencies (required for jsdom). contextify needs to be built …

javascript node.js jsdom
Edit elements in the jsdom window and save the window as a new HTML file?

I want to load an HTML file (using, load the DOM using jsdom, and then change the text …

javascript jquery html node.js jsdom
How can I configure the jsdom instance used by jest?

I've come up against this issue Invalid URL is thrown when requiring systemjs in jest test cases One of the …

jestjs jsdom systemjs