Top "Joomla" questions


joomla assets table purpose

could you please explain to me what is the purpose of assets table in joomla? I have script for import …

joomla joomla2.5 assets joomla1.7 joomla1.6
Joomla component installing warining JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find Joomla XML setup file

I'm using latest Joomla version 3.0.1, and trying to install VirtueMart. When I do, I get the warning: "JInstaller: :Install: Cannot …

joomla virtuemart joomla3.0
Upload fails: "This file is too large to upload" - php.ini settings made

We are trying to upload files to a joomla instance which are aproximately are 10 MB. Strangely the upload fails with: …

joomla joomla2.5 php-5.3
Joomla: Write and call a helper function in a component

Fledgling Joomla / PHP developer, hitting a wall understanding how to do this. Everything I found searching has been for older …

joomla joomla1.7 joomla1.6 joomla2.5 joomla-component
Joomla: redirect to login page if user is not logged in and back in custom component

Here's what I want to do: I have a custom component which, in one of its views, requires the user …

joomla joomla3.0
The template for this display is not available

I have a template for joomla, I intall the template and everything is fine but when I select this template …

joomla joomla2.5 joomla-template
How can I keep one specific article always on top on the front page?

On my Joomla website, I'd like to have a "about our company" article always be the first article on the …

joomla frontpage joomla-article
Joomla Login redirection back to page to the previous page

I have certain pages that require to a user to be logged in Joomla. When they click on the links …

php joomla joomla1.5
Customizing output of <jdoc:include type="head"/> in joomla 3.2

So I was reading in the joomla wiki but could not find any further details than general talk. So what …

caching joomla joomla3.0
Virtuemart Add To Cart button on browse page for Virtuemart 2/Joomla 2.5.4

I've tried to figure out how to do this but just can't work it out, I've tried searching on here, …

php joomla content-management-system virtuemart