I installed this plugin ( and I have this error, this error remains …
image image-processing joomla joomla3.1I want to create iPhone application that can load all new post from my website in to my app. my …
joomla joomla3.0By default parent::display($tpl); loads components/com_my_component/views/my_component/tmpl/default.php, but in some cases …
joomla joomla2.5I've made a basic Joomla module for my site as a shoutbox. But I'd like to put AJAX in it (…
ajax joomla joomla-moduleI am using different model in joomla than view's own model that is similar to its name by assigning it …
joomla joomla-extensions joomla-componentI want to use Cache Control and ETag in my joomla website as suggested by google. But have no idea …
caching joomla cache-control pagespeed etagI am attempting to redirect in a template index.php i am building and getting a redirect loop. Am I …
joomla joomla3.1Joomla by default renders its system messages (errors, notices etc.) in libraries/joomla/document/html/renderer/message.php. For my …
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