Top "Joomla3.1" questions

For programming questions relating to using Joomla!

Joomla 3.0 DS does not work(Use of undefined constant DS)

Joomla 3.0 DS does not work. It has been removed. I get Notice: Use of undefined constant DS - assumed 'DS' …

php joomla joomla3.0 joomla3.1
Joomla Database - How to use LIMIT in getQuery?

I want to build the below query using joomla inbuilt database class. SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY id DESC …

mysql joomla joomla2.5 joomla3.0 joomla3.1
JFolder::create: Could not create directory - Joomla

I end up with below error when I try to install a component,module or plugin. JFolder::create: Could not …

joomla joomla2.5 joomla-extensions joomla3.0 joomla3.1
joomla installing new language DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (jerror)

I am a fresh installation of Joomla 3.1 running on my home computer. My environment is Ubuntu 12.10 with apache server, php 5.4.6 …

php joomla joomla3.1
Your host needs to use PHP 5.3.1 or higher to run this version of Joomla

I'am getting this: Your host needs to use PHP 5.3.1 or higher to run this version of Joomla! when trying to …

php .htaccess joomla joomla2.5 joomla3.1
What is difference between conservative caching and progressive caching in joomla 2.5?

In Global Config in joomla have 2 caching is conservative and progressive, what is difference both ?

php joomla joomla2.5 joomla3.0 joomla3.1
How to use cookies from a component?

How can I use cookies in a Joomla component? setcookie( JUtility::getHash('JLOGIN_REMEMBER'), false, time() - 86400, '/' ); Can …

joomla joomla2.5 joomla3.0 joomla3.1
Where is the Menu trash in Joomla 3.1?

Can't find the menu trash page anywhere. Googling this only produced Joomla 2.5 or earlier and these proved useless. I need …

joomla joomla3.1
Joomla 3 - How to override jQuery with newer version?

In Joomla 3.x jQuery is coming by default with Joomla, but the version is a bit outdated (v.1.8.3) and I …

joomla joomla3.0 joomla3.1 joomla3.2
Joomla 3.1 error JFolder::create: Path not in open_basedir paths Unable to create destination

I installed this plugin ( and I have this error, this error remains …

image image-processing joomla joomla3.1