Top "Joomla-article" questions

This tag is for questions related to Joomla articles and the com_content component.

How to make internal article links in Joomla?

I'm trying to create a link in one Joomla article that points to another article, but can't see how this …

hyperlink joomla joomla-article
Why is my PHP in articles being interpreted literally as a string instead of as PHP?

I am trying to find a way to write pure PHP in my articles with Joomla (currently using 1.5). The closest …

php joomla joomla1.5 joomla-article
How to edit Joomla article layout/style?

I'm trying to edit the default articles' HTML. Right now the titles are in h2s and I want to …

joomla joomla-article
How can I keep one specific article always on top on the front page?

On my Joomla website, I'd like to have a "about our company" article always be the first article on the …

joomla frontpage joomla-article